SBTF Recognized in Online Volunteer Award!

The entire SBTF membership is truly honored and proud to be recognized in this year’s International Online Volunteer Award! The official press release is available online here, which includes this video describing the SBTF’s work on the Libya Crisis Map. Sincere thanks to Andrej Verity for his comments in the video below.


Responding to Crisis Online from UNV on Vimeo.


When we started the year we were just starting to refine our workflows and standard operating procedures. We had fewer than 100 volunteers on the team. With this Online Volunteer Award, we end the year with over 700 volunteers and a lot more experience. We still have some work to do to improve our workflows but we are light years further than when we were just 12 short months ago.

This is a testament to the hard work and considerable time that our absolutely amazing SBTF Coordinators have placed into this unique global volunteer network. A very big thanks to them and every Mapster who volunteered their time during the Libya Crisis Map deployment!



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